Going digital to fight against hunger & malnutrition

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Photo West Africa regional civil society workshop Dakar, Senegal

The Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Network (SUN CSN) has gone digital with the creation of the SUN LABS online database. BAO Systems led the design, configuration, development of a custom skills matrix, a report for selecting contacts based on their profiles and skills, and around 100 customized visualizations. This dynamic embrace of technology, using DHIS2, provides the network with a tool to make more evidence-based decisions and increases communication and collaboration. 

Cecilia Ruberto, SUN CSN Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Advisor, tweeted: ‘Many thanks BAO Systems for making this “dream” become true!’

The SUN LABS database can be used to collect quantitative and qualitative data, conduct analysis utilizing the data gathered, and track and share progress toward impact for accountability, learning, planning and improved partnership/collaboration among organizations. 

The SUN CSN connects and supports over 3,000 members around the globe who are fighting to end malnutrition.


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