Author: Margarida Pereira
Sending aggregated data directly from Dharma to Salesforce will allow users to access, analyze, and act on program progress and data within the context of other key indicators and information within Salesforce.
Using our established critical incident response process, BAO Systems took immediate action to protect over 400 managed cloud-based DHIS2 instances from one of the most serious vulnerabilities ever experienced in the digital world.
BAO Systems teamed with FHI 360 and others to develop a standardized tracker metadata package for HIV programs.
CTO Lisa Spory brings passion and experience with Agile to bolster her team’s innovation and growth.
BAO Systems’ self-paced and customized training programs give learners the confidence and experience needed to support their organizations at a higher level.
““I’m always inspired to see the community that comes together at the DHIS2 Symposium,” said Sarah Searle from BAO Systems.
BAO Systems spearheaded the creation of Unlock Aid, a new organization of innovative development leaders.
Pete Linnegan’s inspiration for creating the Program Dataset Connector app came when he saw a client’s need to break down data in new ways.
With impact-first at the core, the Dharma Platform has evolved from a mobile data collection tool to a start to finish data management tool.
The GDD Summit brought together over 325 participants from more than 50 countries.